Scholarships cover all or a part of tuition and fees, allowances for uniforms, books, school supplies, meals, transport, and dorm room. Some allowances are predominantly for transportation, while other allowances are predominantly for the lodging of a scholar, whether in a dorm room on campus or off campus in a room in a private household in a nearby Ateneo housing area.
The Ateneo de Manila Scholarship Fund (President's General Scholarship Fund)
The Ateneo seeks to extend aid to deserving, but financially-challenged students in the various units in the University -- High School, Loyola Schools, Law School, and the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health. Your contribution to the Ateneo de Manila Scholarship Fund (President's General Scholarship Fund) gives the University the freedom to direct monetary help to students with the greatest need.
Yugto Scholarship
Through the years, scholarship grants and endowments have allowed the University to provide Ateneo education to the most deserving students with limited financial resources. It is through your loving generosity, and that of our community of donors, that allows us to serve our mission of inclusivity and accessibility. We are grateful for your support.
Our dream in Ateneo is to continue to grow our community of scholars who share our goal of academic excellence, social justice and service. That is why we created YUGTO, the University’s flagship scholarship program that aims to turn the page for deserving students and begin a new chapter in their journey. YUGTO organizes and manages the scholarship drives of the different academic units of the University, with the goal of building funds that will allow each scholar to graduate from the Ateneo.
Once again, we ask for your generosity to help 45 young and talented college freshmen, who are among the top students of their respective high schools. Each one of them has a story to tell, but one in their desire to graduate from Ateneo, charter a different course for their families, and contribute to society. These students are currently enrolled but are in dire need of financial help.
If you would like to know more about these students, we can provide more information or set up a meeting with them. A fund is set up for each of this students for their 4-year education. This YUGTO fund amounts to P1,200,000, which donors can make one-time, yearly (P300,000 annually for 4 years), or monthly (P25,000 per month for 48 months). You may donate any amount personally, or you may pool donations with family, friends, co-parents and batchmates.
As one Ateneo community, we hope to be able to harness our collective effort, as men and women for others, in writing a new chapter for our scholars.
Scholars-for-Scholars Scholarship Fund (SSSF, AASA)
The Scholars-for-Scholars Scholarship Fund (SSSF) was established in 1987 through the initiative of Fr. William H. Kreutz, S.J., then Director of the Office of Admission and Aid, who invited alumni scholars to begin to give back as a group and build a Fund for scholars.
From this, the Ateneo Alumni Scholars Association (AASA) was formed, its Board composed of alumni scholar volunteers, heeding the call not just to regularly raise funds for scholarships but also provide a vibrant community where enrolled scholars and alumni scholars can regularly come together, interact and make a difference.
For Schoolyear 2024-25, AASA will support the tuition of 65 scholars through its endowments and regular donations from alumni scholars.
In the spirit of gratitude and of being a Scholar for Scholars, we invite all alumni scholars to help build our nation through the transformed lives of our Ateneo scholars.
Ateneo ME CLASS 1984 Scholarship
The ME84 Scholarship Fund started as a commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Ateneo's Management Engineering Batch 1984. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to a series of incoming ME students who excel in both academics and extra-curricular activities. The scholarship is designed to support one student at a time for the next 16 or 20 years.
Benigno Simeon Aquino III Scholarship Endowment for the Loyola Schools
The Ateneo de Manila University is deeply honored to have hosted the final homecoming of its distinguished Alumnus, Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III and to help keep his memory alive and acknowledge his efforts to transform our nation and elevate its status, has decided to establish a scholarship endowment in his name.
President Noynoy has always shown compassion to the plight of the masses and had their best interest in mind through programs directed at poverty alleviation and improvement of the lives of the people. The Benigno Simeon Aquino III Scholarship Endowment for the Loyola Schools will thus be Ateneo's response to continue what he has started by providing financial assistance to deserving students to allow them to study in his alma mater and hopefully become leaders and catalysts in improving the nation.
Relatives and friends of the former President have contributed the seed money for this fund, and we enjoin everyone whose lives President Noynoy has touched to accept this invitation and help make this fund grow to provide as many scholarships as possible.

Fr Salty de la Rama SJ Grade School Scholarship Fund

Headmaster. Priest. Leader. Colleague. Friend.
Fr Emerito Salustiano "Salty" de la Rama SJ (1961-2021) made a positive difference in the lives of many, and we are inviting everyone to pay forward the generosity, kindness, and love he has shown us.
In his memory, Ateneo de Manila University has established the Fr Salty de la Rama SJ Grade School Scholarship Fund to help deserving grade school students receive renowned and life-changing Jesuit education and formation.
The Fr Salty Scholarship Fund, to be administered by Ateneo de Manila Grade School, will provide financial assistance to eligible grade school students as they pursue an Ateneo education.
You may donate through the following channels:
For complete instructions and other giving channels, please click here.
Please send the proof of donation to and indicate “FR SALTY DE LA RAMA SJ GRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND”
His Ateneo batchmates from GS75/HS79, HS80, and Col85 have generously provided the seed fund.
Help keep Fr Salty’s memory alive, and help talented kids get the Ateneo education they deserve.
JVO Scholarship Fund
JVO Scholarship Fund
Senior High School Grant in aid Fund
The Senior High School Special Grant-in-Aid for Ateneo Senior High School Students for the daily allowance expenses of our Senior High School scholars.
Tulong Dunong Fund in honor of Fr James O'Brien SJ
A program of the Ateneo de Manila High School begun by Fr. James O’Brien, S.J. in 1976, Tulong Dunong helps public elementary school students become scholars in the Ateneo de Manila High School, Miriam College, and St. Scholastica’s College Academy in Marikina.
ME Scholarship Fund
As the Management Engineering Program celebrates its 50th anniversary this 2019, the Federation of Ateneo Management Engineers (FAME) has revitalized its effort (ME@40 was established in 2009) to raise scholarship funds for ME students in need of financial assistance. ME@50 aims to surpass Php 50M total raised since 2009 before the year ends.
Ateneo College 68-72/ME73 Fr.Thomas Steinbugler , SJ Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by Class 68-72/ME73 in 2017, the Ateneo College 68-72/ME73 Fr.Thomas Steinbugler , SJ Memorial Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to deserving students in the Ateneo Loyola Schools to enable these young men and women to experience the same Ignatian college education afforded to the scholars of the batch. Named after Fr Steinbugler SJ to honor his being a prime mover in providing College Scholarships to well deserving students from Public and Private High Schools in 1968. The fund continually supports scholars in the Ateneo Loyola Schools through the generous and kind contributions of the Class, their friends and other benefactors.
Blue Eagle H69C73ME74 Alumni Foundation Inc Scholarship Grant
Blue Eagle H69C73ME74 Alumni Foundation Inc Scholarship Grant
Ian Perez - AHS 4J 1996 (Silver Jubilee) Scholarship Fund
Ian Perez - AHS 4J 1996 (Silver Jubilee) Scholarship Fund for Ateneo de Manila High School Scholars
Monchito and Gely Roco High School (HS) Scholarship
Monchito and Gely Roco High School (HS) Scholarship
Environmental Science Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund for Environmental Science Majors was established in 2016 to commemorate the 25th founding anniversary of the Department of Environmental Science. The Environmental Science Department hopes to raise Php 20M in the next few years to be able to provide scholarships for five ES majors every year.
Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH) Scholarship Fund
Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH) Scholarship Fund
Ateneo Law School Scholarship Fund
Ateneo Law School Scholarship Fund
Fr Raul J Bonoan SJ Memorial - Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health Fund
The Fr Raul J Bonoan SJ Memorial - Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health Fund was established in August 2005 by Alumni & Friends of Ateneo BS Biology Class of 1981 upon the initiative of Mrs Kris Maria K Banghart in memory of Fr Raul J Bonoan SJ who espoused working with and for the poor. The timely establishment of the endowment was also to help the Ateneo with the launching of the new Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH), scheduled to open on 2 July 2007 to take its first class of medical and public health students in School Year 2007-2008. The Fund will benefit medical students in need and faculty in the new ASMPH by supporting a medical school scholar through 5 years of schooling as well as support faculty development and rewards, research, and other needs as will be determined by the Dean of the ASMPH or his delegate with the approval of the donors.
Exponential Fund - Ateneo BS MA & CS 1986 Scholarship
Initiated by Ateneo Math and Computer Science 1986 graduates, the Exponential Fund is intended to provide support to an area where the University needs it the most. Starting with supporting the tuition and fees of a single college scholar, the Fund will continuously provide college scholarships and encourage similar giving from its scholar graduates and related or affiliated contributors, who can become future benefactors and contacts for maintaining and growing the Fund.
COL73ME74 Fundraising
COL73ME74 Fundraising